Alton’s Quakers have stood hand in hand with CND, Greenham Common women’s peace camp, Cruise missile watch and on numerous silent vigils.
"All that was needed was the desire to combat ignorance and work towards change."
Alton Quaker Melanie Butlin recalls being on fire watch with her sister Vanessa and May Hockley, then in her 70s, at Greenham so that the women could sleep without fear of being attacked. These attacks included setting fire to the undergrowth by local residents, intimidating and threatening the women’s peaceful protest.
Alton’s Quakers continue to be involved in practical action. From boycotting Israeli goods to Anti Nuclear demonstartrions to Against the War in Iraq and Don’t Bomb Syria protests, actions speak louder than words. In the face of international warmongering, it is possible for likeminded individuals to come together and find alternative ways of finding peaceful solutions.
Join us on the first Saturday of every month in Alton High Street, as we continue this long tradition of standing up for peace.
More information can be found in Dr Joe Osmond’s booklet Alton's Peacemakers [2017], available from